How can I view/edit nameservers for domain?

Domain's nameserver management (Basic DNS management) is available for all active and pending cancellation domains registered at Svenska Domäner.

  1. Navigate to domain's main page in My Pages.
  2. Scroll down to Basic DNS Management section.
    It shows current nameserver configuration for domain with the following explanation:
    • Your domain is parked at Svenska Domäner
      Domain is configured to use Svenska Domäner parked name servers that are providing parked page functionality.
    • Your domain is using Svenska Domäner DNS
      Domain is configured to use name servers related to connected service (that is a part of Svenska Domäner hosting platform) where a customer can manage DNS records for a domain. In that case, Svenska Domäner is responsible for operations and manageability of DNS for given domain.
    • Your domain is using custom DNS servers
      Domain is configured to use external name servers. Configured name servers are visible in the list. In that case, third party service provider is responsible for operations and manageability of DNS for given domain.

Before modifying name servers for your domain it is always good to:

  1. backup existing DNS records on current name servers if there are any and
  2. restore them in a DNS zone on target nameservers.

If current or target configuration is that domain is parked then backup and restore are not necessary/possible.

In order to modify name server configuration click the button Manage inside Basic DNS Management section. The following options are available:

  • Park domain
    Choose this option if you don't want to use your domain but you want it to have a default (parked) page. This option is default option when ordering a new domain with Svenska Domäner without ordering a service for it initially.
  • Use Svenska Domäner DNS
    This option is not available unless you have successfully connected domain with service. If this option is available and that this is not current configuration then this is probably the case of internal DNS configuration issue. In this scenario, Resolve internal DNS issue from connected service section will have the same effect.
  • Use Custom DNS servers
    Choose this option if you want to manage DNS records on third party name servers. Contact your third party name server provider in order to obtain name servers that you are expected to enter.

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