How to connect domain with service?

Domain is registered at Svenska Domäner

  1. Navigate to domain's main page.
  2. Scroll down to Connected service section.
  3. Available connectivity options will be presented on the page, depending on the current configuration.

Bellow is a description of available options:

Domain is not connected to any service

In this case domain is active or pending suspension and it is not or about to be connected to any service.

What to do?

    1. Connect with free Domain Accountservice.
      • This option is available in case it is Premium domain and there are no other services that can provide DNS service for given domain.
      • New Domain Account will be provisioned that is providing DNS service together with stateless mail and web forwarding for given domain.
      • Make sure that there is no DNS configuration issue after activation of Domain Account.
    2. Connect to any of already provisioned Multidomain servicesfrom a customer account.
      • This option is available on the page for every active or pending termination Multidomain service available within your account.
      • You can choose to connect your domain as Parked (Alias) or Addon (website), on available service depending on the needs.
      • Some Multidomain services cannot handle web services, and in their case adding a domain as a Parked domain is the only option available.
      • Make sure that there is no DNS configuration issue after adding a domain to Multidomain service.
    3. Connect by buying new service from current offer
      • This option is always available.
      • You can choose between Web, Mail and DNS services.
      • Upon selecting desired option, buy service dialog will launch allowing to choose among available packages and payment periods.

Domain is about to be connected to some service

In this case either domain, connected service, or both are pending activation. As soon as pending orders are completed your domain will be connected to denoted service.

Make sure that there is no DNS configuration issue after domain and/or service are activated.

Domain is connected to some service

In this case, domain is active or pending suspension and it is connected to some service.

If this is desired service, make sure that there is no DNS configuration issue. If this is not the desired service, please take a look how to reconnect domain with another service.

Domain is registered elsewhere

I don't have a service at Svenska Domäner

If you want to connect your externally registered domain, you have to buy one of Web, Mail, or DNS services. Check the benefits of using Multidomain services.

When buying service, consider transferring the domain to us. It will simplify the configuration of services and entails only costs for the domains that are automatically renewed in the event of a transfer between registrars. Otherwise, choose "I want to use a domain I own through another register" option on select service options dialog.

I have a multidomain service at Svenska Domäner

How to connect?

  1. Navigate to service's main page at My Pages.
  2. Scroll down to Deployed domains section.
    • The section is available if service is in an active or pending termination states.
  3. You can choose to connect your domain as Parked (Alias) or Addon (website), on given service depending on the needs.
    • Some Multidomain services cannot handle web services, and in their case adding the domain as a Parked domain is the only option available.
  4. Find out what option is best for you and how to do it
  5. Make sure that there is no DNS configuration issue after adding the domain to Multidomain service.

I have a single domain service at Svenska Domäner

Before you can connect your externally registered domain, you have to upgrade your single domain service to one of the Multidomain offers.

Domain is already added as addon or parked domain / There is a service with given domain name

  1. Navigate to service's main page.
  2. Scroll down to Deployed domains section.
  3. Deployed domains table is presented with each
    • Deployed domain on that service;
    • His deployment role that can be one of Main, Subdomain, Addon and Parked.

Possible list of suggestions that can be one of the following:

Domain is not registered

Before you can use any domain you have to register it. Register option will show up if the domain is not registered and we are selling domain's TLD.

We are selling domains with TLD. If register option is not available you have to go and register the domain elsewhere.

Domain is externally registered

If you have deployed domain on our service, consider transferring the domain to us. It will simplify the configuration of services related to that domain and entails only costs for the domains that are automatically renewed in the event of a transfer between registrars. .

Domain is suspended

Before you can use this domain, you have to resume it. After clicking on Resume button, follow instructions on the page to resume domain.

There is internal or external DNS issue with domain

See how to resolve DNS issue.

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